This study was carried out to examine the impact of effective personal selling strategies on the marketing of industrial products using Asaba aluminium company and Jemork water Asaba as case study . Specifically, the study determine the effectiveness of personal selling strategies in the marketing of industrial products. The study also evaluate an insight into the use of personal selling on the sale of industrial products. More so the study assess the condition for training industrial salesmen. Lastly the study examine the level of the motivation given by industrial producers in Asaba metropolis. A total of 77 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analyzed, the findings revealed that Personal selling strategies is effective in the marketing of industrial products. Also , there is an insight into the use of personal selling on the sale of industrial products. Furthermore there are training for industrial salesmen. Lastly, the level of the motivation given by industrial producers in Asaba metropolis is high. The study hereby recommend that organizations should make use of personal selling in order to affect the sales volume of industrial goods. Also, the sales of industrial goods appreciate when personal selling is employed by organizations. Furthermore , there is a need for organizations to manage their sales force in order to allow for personal selling to make an effect on the sales value of the organization. Lastly, organizations should endeavor to strictly follow the personal selling process so as to ensure that prospective industrial buyers are convinced and properly served in order for them to make purchase.